Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Getting ready for Highland Fest.

A big thank you to Joel Schnell (www.schnellphoto.com) for taking photographs of my work in progress. I printed several as posters to display in the Bad Dawg Art tent.
Using wire to create the frame.

 Getting a coat of lacquer to seal it before the paint job.

The bulldog is waiting for his turn.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I am almost done with a new breed of dog. This is my bulldog and I have yet to name it. He is 90% finished.

Just a few touch ups and then the paint.

In the works

Been a while since I updated my blog. Mary got me into a couple of art shows this summer. While it is very exciing it has also made me realize I don't have nearly enough pieces for a booth. I have been creating, creating, creating every night. The work is getting easier and coming along a lot faster. First show is in 2 1/2 weeks so I better hurry!

Takes time and layers to get the newspaper mixture to stick.
Lots to do!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

T-shirts ordered and other updates

I ordered 25 t-shirts this week. They are due to arrive on Tuesday. I will get an order form up on my website soon but until then, if you want to purchase one just shoot me an email at www.baddawgart@gmail.com  They are $24.99 each. Remember I designed and drew the logo so you will be getting an original Tino piece of art.

Filled out my first Zapplication today. It is for Art in Bayfront Park in Duluth. I hope I get in! Now on the the Zapplication for Wells Street Fall Art Fair. They require a booth shot but guess what? My new booth is due to arrive via UPS tomorrow. The deadline for the zapplication is...you guess it, tomorrow. Luckily Mary put a call in to the powers that be and they are willing to accept a drawing. Getting in this show is a double bonus. Get to take my art to Chicago and I get to visit my favorite Northwestern student, my daughter Jessica.

Working on new dogs. Right now I have a bulldog in the works. Thanks for all your suggestions for future dogs. I will definitly be making some. Keep them coming!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ordering t-shirts

I am going this weekend to Twin City Tees. Since the T-shirts were such a big hit I have decided to sell them. I will be ordering a couple dozen to start, in various colors and styles. Regular t-shirts in Large and X-large for men, v-neck and scoop neck in Small, Med and Large for women.

I will add an order form on my website as soon as the t-shirts are ordered. If you want a specific size/color before the order goes in please let me know asap.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I thought it would be cool to create t-shirts to wear during art show. My wife Mary and I got such a huge response from them, we decided to order a bunch and sell them. Various colors and sizing are coming soon. Want one?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Card holder

I didn't like Bonefido anymore. He was not worthy of a gallery showing. Instead of negating him to a closet I decided to honor him by decapitated him and make him into a business card holder:

Gallery show

Was nerve wracking and fun to be in a gallery show. People looking and commenting on my art.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Newly created artist statement

With all the work going into the dogs I knew I couldn't get an artist statement done. Mary created this for me and surprised me with a new and improved version when I got home from work.

Bad Dawg Art
Sculpture and Drawings by Tino Montoya

Art has been a part of me all my life. I would create murals and drawings for fun, for friends or just because I had free time. I see the world with an artist’s eye, always seeing the beauty in everything.

I take unusual photos. Getting people to pose in a Charlie’s Angels pose but just shoot their shadows in a river. Finding a tree with branches that looked like antlers and getting friends to “wear” the antlers. For over twenty years I have shot many photos with my feet in the foreground with fun and amazing locations in the background.  

I started drawing skulls because my wife wanted a shirt and couldn’t find what she wanted in any store. I hand painted a skull with butterfly wings for her and was surprised by how many people commented on it. This was just for fun, why so much interest?

I decided to draw a portrait of a family member as a gift. He is a very talented guitarist. I drew him as a skeleton, playing the guitar. This wasn’t a generic drawing. I had to make it look like the person I knew and loved. Giving bones personality was fun and intriguing. I realized this was the path I was meant to follow.

While creating drawings was fun I felt the need to do more. I wanted to create something no one else ever done before. A few years ago I was on vacation visiting family. My wife’s aunt is a very successful artist and her home is like a gallery. I was very intrigued by a papier-mâché dog that was purchased in Mexico for Dia De Los Muertos (day of the dead). I liked it but thought, “I can do better.”

I went home and couldn’t get that dog off my mind. I decided to create my own, my way. Instead of a likeness of a dog I wanted mine to be real. They had to be active and have personality. The process of creating a skeleton dog that is alive was energizing. So many ideas flooded my mind.

Soon I had my first dog. I created it for me, to keep in my home never dreaming of taking it any further. Then the opportunity came to get a piece in Foot in the Door at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. I worked like a mad man to get a dog created in only two weeks. I never thought my art would or could be displayed. Bonefido became my fist piece to make a public appearance.

I thought that was the end of the adventure but it was only the beginning. I created cats playing as my first commissioned work. The owners were shocked and impressed by how alive these skeleton cats looked.

I create my sculptures using mostly recycled materials; newspaper, hangers, flour and water. I am creating dogs and cats that are mere skeletons but are alive. They play, they fight, growl, have attitude. This is what I was meant to do. This is not work, it is life affirming and a gift I am happy to accept.

If you enjoy my work but would like a skeleton of your own pet, I would be happy to create a one of kind piece for you. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Delivering to the studio

Took the finish art work to the studio today. I was shocked, the place was huge. More than twenty artist will be showing. There is a lot of media attention. Here is the finish pieces.

This is Play With Me. This is an update version of the very first dog I ever created.
Here is a close up of the face. Do you wanna play?

This is Pit Stop. It is a pit bull taking a wizz.

Vet Visit. How many of your dogs acted this way? Alive or dead, they are terrified. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Show details

Want to come see my work and the work of other great local artists?
Here are the details of the show. I will be there during the Saturday show.

Getting ready for the big show

Unbeknowst to me my wife submitted my work to a local gallery. I was shocked when they accepted me for an upcoming show. Now I had a deadline. I added two more ideas for dogs and got to work.

Gracie was not happy being a model.

Decided to name this one Pit Stop.
The next dog is an updated version of my first dog.

This will be named Play With Me.

I have to turn in my projects tomorrow. Spending the day today finish up on the paint.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Work progresses

I had an idea for a dog. I wanted it to be pulling against a leash, fighting to not go where it was being led. This is what I came up with:

I fashioned the frame out of wire hangers.

Carved the head out of styrofoam and covered it in a mix of newspaper, flour and salt.

Then I created each bone and joint over the frame with the same newspaper mix.

To add personality I painted it.

Now I just need to add the leash. I created "leather" out of a brown paper sack, strong hands and paint. What no photo? Not yet...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

1st Commissioned work

Some new friends asked if I could create versions of their cats. Aleja sent me a couple of photos but said to "do anything you want".
After a couple drawings I came up with an idea.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Journey continues

Portrait of my daughter Meghan. She loves taking photos of herself.
This is Ron. He likes to play the guitar and smoke hand rolled "cigarettes."


I got the opportunity to show a piece at the Minneapolis Institute of Art in a show called Foot in the Door. With only a couple weeks notice I created Bonefido.

It all started

I saw a pretty cool paper mache dog while visiting family. My wife's aunt got in Mexico. Looking at it I thought "I could do this" so I did. Here is my first dog.